Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's good to be a man.

I've decided. It's better to be a man.

Now I know, this is going to get me in some serious trouble if anyone actually reads this (which has happened, I promise), but hear me out on this...

10 Reasons I'm glad I'm not a woman:

1. I can wear jeans 99% of the time and still be considered normal.
2. I can toss a jacket over a t-shirt and jeans and be considered well dressed
3. Shoes. Seriously, I own like 4 pairs. I can wear the same ones for 3 months without change.
4. Shoes, none of this heels shit.
5. I can be emotionally dead without seeming too cold or callous.
6. I don't have to deal with people hitting on me constantly. That's not necessarily great in retrospect.
7. I can be in college and still read comics without looking stupid.
8. I will never be judged based on how slutty I look.
9. That monthly thing? Not an issue. Isn't it wonderful?
10. Double standards work in my favour.

So that's just 10. It took me all of like 2 minutes to think them up.

It's good to be a man.


Elegist said...

Trouble? You don't know the meaning of the word.

A Rebuttal to your 10 Reasons

1. Yeah, basically it sucks that those of the feminine persuasion are expected to change the style of both their top and bottom article of clothing on a day-to-day basis. Then again, if you're clever like me, you can wear the same pair of jeans five days in a row without anyone commenting about it. Righteous.

2. Jacket/t-shirt/jeans is fairly well-dressed for most people, in my humble opinion. Looks pretty good on a girl or a guy.

3. I own... okay, like six pairs of shoes. But in my defence, I don't wear my riding boots, knee-length lace-up leather mocassins, grommeted and belty hookerboot goodness, or steel-toed asskickers on a daily or even weekly basis. That leaves me with my sneaks and my sandals, which I choose according to whether or not I can expect frostbite or not. And honestly? I, for one, have never heard of a girl criticized for having too few shoes.

4. Okay, I'm with you with that one.

5. Yyyyeeeaaaahhh, that's a real benefit too. I'm a(n apparently) rather emotionally apathetic chick and that freaks people the fuck out. Whatever.

6. I've never been hit on once, but it can be a pretty big problem for a lot of women. So here's a third point I'll concede.

7. I am currently taking a CLASS that includes reading comics, and I pwn every discussion on them. Nerdery in general makes people "[look] stupid" (though I think it's rather attractive).

8. You think so, eh? Let me tell you: think again. You ARE being judged; if not by guys, at least by the gals. Now be paranoid.

9. Okay okay okay, fourth point conceded.

10. In many cases? Yes, double standards almost always benefit the male. However, you get out of a lot of heavy lifting when you've got ovaries. Yay?

One of my main points *I* would have added on the "sucks to be a woman" list would be that average looks (or, gods forbid, PLAINNESS) on women is much more harshly judged than on a man. Pretty women walking with gorrillas indeed.

Hm. Meet me on my blog tomorrowish if you want to read my 10 Reasons I'm Glad I'm Not A Man, now that you've got me thinking.

(not at all creepy)

Unknown said...

And men's skill range isn't limited to cleaning and cooking.